Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Self Absorbed

What’s really going on?

Today in many homes the first or second thing we do is check our e-mail. In addition, we even forget to check our old school mailboxes for mail. For goodness sake even banking is done via an online portal. How about the good ol’ conversation with the neighborhood bank teller? Who does that these days? Face to face communications are far in between. Our communication levels are quickly diminishing do to the fact we no longer take the time to listen to real conversation. We’d rather listen and watch Youtube or other web content. Kids are adapting to messaging via the chalkboard on the fridge, or the text messaging from a parent already gone for work. Perhaps there are cases where Parents text their youngster to get up out of bed and get ready for school, or even “don’t forget to lock the door.” The forgotten message was, I prepared your breakfast; please make sure you eat before you leave the house. I love you. Texting back saying, I forgot to leave you lunch money.

We are in danger of losing real understanding of our needs and wants. When needs are not met we risk raising families, which harbors laziness and self-absorption. Test scores are falling far below normal. Incomplete homework assignments are turned in to teachers. Influences from cell phones, texting, online activities compete with school. Who has time for studying? It is time to put real effort and investment into our children’s education. Far too many people are sitting around doing nothing, waiting to be discovered. Education is the only way out. Please engage with your student. Sharing excellence is the key toward peace, tranquility, and freedom for all. Excelling to a higher level is not only for the privileged.

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