Friday, November 13, 2009

Facebook | Shirley Eison

Facebook Shirley Eison: "If you ask a person how are you? Do you really care?"


  1. Question: "If you ask a person how are you? Do you really care?"
    Answer: It is not a matter of whether the person, who precipitated the question, really cares about how someone is feeling at any given moment. The issue is whether or not the person asking the question is ready to assist the individual to whom they are asking the question. This is especially significant, if the person being asked is perhaps not well; has a major dilemma or an enormous need and has found it difficult in finding a helping hand. It is my thought, that the response of the individual asking the question is most critical. Because, their response will immediately convey to the other person if they really care or not; if their question is heartfelt or disingenuous! Consequently, I find that "the heart of this matter is the matter of one's heart"!!

  2. Often times when the above question is asked,it is simply a common reaction toward living on auto pilot asking people,how are you,or how is your day. Conversational catch phrases without any true meaning becomes real when the person you asked calls you out and replies with a response. Then we ponder,the question. Do I really care how they feel or not? Don't ask if you do not want to hear the answer.

  3. I said to a person, years ago, "how are you doing?" and keep walking... the person said to me "you just asked how I was doing and then kept walking do you want to know... or was that just words to say?"... I stopped and listen to what she had to share... I do believe people care... but sometimes are in such a hurry they forget how to care


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