Sunday, December 13, 2009

Do You Have The Qualities of Being Right?

What is the meaning of right? Equitable, fair, honest, lawful. Accurate, true. Fit, seemly. Proper. Obverse. Rightful. Morality, virtue, justice, fairness, integrity, equity, rectitude. Rightfully, lawfully, rightly, justly, fairly, equitably. Appropriately, suitably. This is a tall order for anyone to be judged on. Why would anyone be expected to fill these qualifications. He who throws the first stone please stand up. Shine the spotlight broadly

1 comment:

  1. I do have the qualities of being right... in giving my life to Jesus... I found and confirmed what is right and wrong... but not to judge but to make me a better person and to help me inprove in the areas I need to improve for me... you need to have some type of guidance for your life or you will do anything for your own reasons... I use to say "If you don't understand me - that's your fault"... now I say "in all my getting get a understanding"... all I know is when you leave this earth you got to go somewhere... for me it's heaven... and to get there I need to live like I belong there... and so I put forth great effort to live in the manner of what God states "being right"... some of what is in the bible is easy... and others a challenge... but I am striving to do my best to meet the demands of God's guidance of "being right"


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